- The Appeal processing Fee is $130.00 for the first item plus $39.00 for each additional item and a 6% surcharge. Additional fees may be added for research ($104.00/hour) and inspection ($84.00/hour).
Board Fee is based on Table 4-A (found in LAMC Section 98.0403.2) (see Table 4-A below). The cost to file the appeal consists of the appeal processing fee and the Board fee combined.
Applications for import/export have a filing fee of $529.00 for the first 1000 cubic yards and $100.00 additional for each 1000 cubic yards or portion of 1000 cubic yards, plus surcharges (17% + $10.00). - Department of City Planning Case applications have an Appeal processing fee of $130.00 with a 6% surcharge. Additional fees may be added for research ($104.00/hour) and inspection ($84.00/hour)
Table 4-A |
GROUP OCCUPANCY | V | IV and II-N | III | I and II EXCEPT II-N | Each Additional Item |
R-3 and U | $215 | $215 | $215 | $215 | $76 |
A,B,E,F,H,I,M,S and R-1 and R-2 | $354 | $354 | $354 | $632 | $215 |
All other filing fees not covered in the above schedule including appeals pursuant to Los Angeles Municipal Code Section 12.26, shall be $500.00 for the first item and $150.00 for each additional item. |
Table 4-A FILING FEES * FOR APPEALS FIRST ITEM FOR SINGLE BUILDING TYPE OF BUILDING ** GROUP OCCUPANCY V IV and II-N III I and II EXCEPT II-N Each Additional Item R-3 and U $215 $215 $215 $215 $76 A,B,E,F,H,I,M,S and R-1 and R-2 $354 $354 $354 $632 $215 All other filing fees not covered in the above schedule including appeals pursuant to Los Angeles Municipal Code Section 12.26, shall be $500.00 for the first item and $150.00 for each additional item. Table 4-A Table 4-A FILING FEES * FOR APPEALS FILING FEES * FOR APPEALS FIRST ITEM FOR SINGLE BUILDING TYPE OF BUILDING ** FIRST ITEM FOR SINGLE BUILDING TYPE OF BUILDING ** GROUP OCCUPANCY V IV and II-N III I and II EXCEPT II-N Each Additional Item GROUP OCCUPANCY VIV and II-N III I and II EXCEPT II-N Each Additional Item R-3 and U $215 $215 $215 $215 $76 R-3 and U $215 $215 $215 $215 $76 A,B,E,F,H,I,M,S and R-1 and R-2 $354 $354 $354 $632 $215 A,B,E,F,H,I,M,S and R-1 and R-2 $354 $354 $354 $632 $215 All other filing fees not covered in the above schedule including appeals pursuant to Los Angeles Municipal Code Section 12.26, shall be $500.00 for the first item and $150.00 for each additional item. All other filing fees not covered in the above schedule including appeals pursuant to Los Angeles Municipal Code Section 12.26, shall be $500.00 for the first item and $150.00 for each additional item.