Check your Property Zoning
Research the zoning and property information for your location using ZIMAS, an online tool the City Planning department provides.
If your property cannot be found in ZIMAS, it may be located outside of the City of Los Angeles and require the services of another county department.
Know Services and Offices in your Area
LA County Department of Public Works provides an Online Service Locator to find out which department services your area.
Contractor Information
In the state of California, Construction Contractors are required to be licensed by the Contractor’s State License Board (CSLB).
You can check your contractor license online or call the CSLB at their toll-free phone number: (800) 321-2752.
Construction Waste Hauler
When you apply for Building permits, is required that you supply information about your Construction Waste Hauler. It must be on the Permitted Waste Haulers list. If you are applying for Mechanical, Electrical, or Plumbing permits, this information does not need to be supplied.
Proof of Ownership
It’s a recorded grant deed. If an owner is a Corporation or LLC, you will ALSO need to supply a Copy of the Operating Agreement or Articles of Incorporation, showing the applicant is the owner of the company.
Information Bulletin-based Documents
Plan Check requirements depend on the scope-of-work, as outlined in Information Bulletins (IBs). For example, “Industrial Buildings,” “Multi-Family Dwellings,” “An Alteration or Addition to an Existing Single-Family Dwelling or Multi-Family Dwelling” are all examples of Information Bulletins that list specific Plan Check requirements. Use our Information Bulletin page to determine your project’s scope-of-work.

The Express Permit (e-permit) system allows for several small renovation projects, including replacing windows and doors with ones of the same size and type, re-roofing with Class A or B materials, remodeling kitchens or bathrooms, adding or replacing plumbing fixtures, rewiring electrical outlets and many more.
Homeowners applying for single-family dwelling e-permits may apply for all types: building, mechanical, electrical, and plumbing.
Express Permits can be issued online or by scheduling an appointment at one of the LADBS Development Service Center’s permitting counters
Projects that Applied for an Expess Permit
Express Permits Frequently Asked Questions
Your project doesn’t qualify for an Express Permit?
Note: All contractors must complete a subcontractor form providing information on any subcontractors used on the project. This form must be returned to the Office of Finance.
Design your Project
and Draw Plans
Designing your project and drawing plans is an important step in the building process. This will involve deciding on the size and layout of the project, as well as selecting materials and deciding on any special features or design elements.
It is important to ensure that the plans comply with all relevant building codes and regulations and that they are detailed enough to guide the construction process.
If you don't have experience in design or construction, you can seek the guidance of our professional architects and engineers to ensure that your plans are sound and feasible. In addition, we have a list of Pre-Approved Standard Plans that can assist you.

ePlan Check
Offer clients a convenient, secure, and efficient way to start an application for building and safety eligible plan checks and to submit plans entirely online.
You will also be able to track the progress of your application, manage licenses, and access archived projects.

Counter Plan Check (CPC)
Are the simplest Plan Checks to review. They are conveniently completed over-the-counter on the same day your project is submitted for review at a LADBS Development Services Counter location and will take approximately 45 minutes or less to complete.

Expanded Counter Plan Check (ECPC)
Projects typically more extensive than a CPC, but less complex than an RPC. This service can offer an applicant the convenience of an extended over-the-counter plan check review on the same day a project is submitted. It will typically take 2 hours or less for your plans to be checked.

Regular Plan Check (RPC)
Typically address very complex and large plans (such as new single-family dwellings or new commercial or apartment buildings) and require those plans be submitted by the contractor, with recontact for appointments initiated by the client and scheduled with the plan check engineer after review is completed.
Separate approvals might be needed from other departments and agencies, depending on the project scope. They may include Planning, Fire, Public Works, Transportation, CRA LA, Housing, DWP, Cultural Affairs, Health, AQMD, LAUSD, Oil Gas, and Cal OSHA.
Once the plan is approved, you will receive an email with the necessary information to pay the fees or taxes related to your project. After payment, a permit will be issued so that construction can begin. You can choose the payment option from:
Easy to use and can be processed quickly. There is no need to write out a physical check or visit a bank or office to deposit it. Payments can be made from anywhere, at any time, using a computer or mobile device.
Credit Card
(online or in-person)
You can either pay online or visit our offices for payment. Please note that a service fee of 2.7% will be charged if you choose to pay via credit card.
Cash or Check
We accept payments in cash or check at any of our offices. Payments made by check must be exact. If the check amount is higher, you will need to apply for a refund, which may take between 30 and 90 days to process.
Permit Ownership
Once you have completed a Plan Review (AKA Plan Check), you may proceed to Permit Issuance.
Various documents and signatures are required at permit issuance. In your next steps, you will need to identify who will sign for and pay for this permit. You may obtain a permit as an Agent, an Owner, or a Contractor.
Agent(s) of a Contractor or Owner
Complete the Questionnaire Form corresponding to your permit type:
- Building Permit
- Electrical Permit (including Solar Photovoltaic)
- Mechanical Permit(Elevator, Fire Sprinkler, HVAC, or Plumbing)
Please have the following documents ready to upload with your completed Questionnaire.
- A letter of authorization from the property owner
- Must be notarized, or signed with a copy of the owner's driver's license or identification to verify the signature.
- If the owner is a Corporate or LLC, you need a letter of authorization and copy of the Operating Agreement or Articles of Incorporation showing the signer of the letter as one of the owners or officers of the company.
- An Owner-Builder Declaration form, already completed by the property owner.
- If obtaining a permit as the agent of a contractor, ensure that they have an active license and are insured. Read the Notice to Contractors: Insurance and License Requirements" for more information.
Complete the Questionnaire Form. If you participated in an electronic plan review from our online service ePlanLA, you may qualify for our online permit issuance at our ePermit RTI (Ready To issue) portal.
If you don't qualify for Online RTI, please complete one of the questionnaire below.
Please have the following documents ready to upload with your completed Questionnaire.
- An Owner-Builder Declaration form, already completed by the property owner.
If you participated in an electronic plan review from our online service ePlanLA, you may qualify for our online permit issuance at our ePermit RTI (Ready To issue) portal.
For Contractors, only the following license types qualify for Online RTI:
Building Permit | B License |
Electrical Permit | C10 License |
Elevator Permit | C11 License |
Fire Sprinkler Permit | C16 License |
HVAC Permit | C20 License |
Plumbing Permit | C36 Permit |
If you don't qualify for Online RTI, please complete one of the questionnaire below.
Please have the following documents ready to upload with your completed Questionnaire.
- Permitted Waste Haulers in City of Los Angeles (for Building Permits only)
- Waste Hauler Company Name
- Waste Hauler Permit Number
- Workers' Compensation Insure Information
- Workers Comp Insurance Company Name
- Workers Comp Insurance Number
- License Number & Classification
- City of LA Business Tax Registration Certificate (this is not the federal tax ID number)
Qualifications for Online RTI (Ready to Issue) Permit
- Participated in electronic plan review (ePlanLA)
- Obtaining a permit as an Owner or Contractor
- Will pay for permit using credit card or via electronic check. The maximum payment amount for electronic check is $200,000. Credit card payments are subject to a 2.7% service charge.
- Mailing a check? use the questionnaire above.
RTI stands for "Ready to Issue," which means your plans and all clearances have been approved.
Regular Field Inspections
Appointments must be requested a minimum of three days in advance and will be performed on weekdays from 7AM to 3:30PM.
Off-Hours Inspections
Any inspection that occurs after 3:30PM will be considered outside of regular hours. This may be due to the time you have chosen or due to inconvenience during a regular inspection, such as blocked access to the work being inspected or missing documentation or required equipment. The hourly cost for after-hours inspections is an average of $100, and a fee of at least $300 may apply for inspector travel.
Saturday Inspections
They must be requested prior 1PM the Friday before and are normally considered as Off-Hour Inspection.
These permits are specifically for 1-or-2 Family Dwelling Express Permits and should not be associated with a Code Enforcement Order to comply. Only apply to permits other than Fire Sprinklers, Elevators, or Pressure Vessels.
To ensure a smooth and successful inspection, please make sure to have the following documents and equipment available at the time of inspection:
- Copy of the Permit
- Approved Plans (if a Plan Review was required)
- The Building Card (B-8)
- Any equipment necessary to complete the inspection, such as a sturdy and safe-to-use ladder.
All work being inspected must be visible and ready for review by the inspector. Any lack of documentation or failure to maintain proper conditions that delay or obstruct the inspector's job could result in additional charges.
To avoid incurring an Extra Tip Fee or Off-Hours charges, please make sure that:
- All relevant documentation is easily accessible and available for review.
- The area to be inspected is clean, well-lit, and free from any obstructions.
- Any necessary equipment or tools are on site and in good working condition.
- The inspector has access to all areas that require inspection.
To get specific information about inspection, please call (213) 482-7210 during regular business hours (Monday to Friday, 7:00 AM to 4:30 PM).
If you need to cancel a scheduled inspection, please call (888) 524-2845 or get in touch with your assigned inspector.
Our inspectors are accessible by phone from 7:00 AM to 8:30 AM, Monday to Friday, at their respective offices. You can check our Organizational Chart to obtain the phone number of your area-specific Inspections and Code Enforcement Office.
Step 6.
Final Inspection
After passing all inspections and completing the work, you must request a final inspection to finish the process and, if applicable, get a Certificate of Occupancy.
This certificate confirms that the building is safe to occupy and can be used for its intended purpose.
Please retain the Certificate of Occupancy and Building Card (B8) for your records.