Electrical Inspections
An electrical inspection provides inspection services for all commercial and industrial buildings, and verifies compliance with the electrical code.
About Inspection
The intent of electrical inspection is to ensure compliance with the applicable electrical code in order to reduce personal, and structural electrical hazards.
Also, the inspector ensures that the correct product or equipment has been selected for the job, and verifies the proper installation and compliance with the Departmental approved plans, if applicable.
Additional Resources
- Code Amendment
- Inspection Forms
- Electrical Test Labs
Filtered categories:
Use of Sump Pumps for Surface and Subsurface Drainage
IB/P/BC 2017-103
- Effective
Virtual Inspection Program Participation Agreement Waiver and Release of Liability
Filtered categories:
Use of Sump Pumps for Surface and Subsurface Drainage
IB/P/BC 2017-103
- Effective
Virtual Inspection Program Participation Agreement Waiver and Release of Liability
Filtered categories:
Use of Sump Pumps for Surface and Subsurface Drainage
IB/P/BC 2017-103
- Effective
Virtual Inspection Program Participation Agreement Waiver and Release of Liability