Building Inspections
The Building Inspection Division provides inspection services for all commercial, industrial and residential buildings over two units. Inspections are performed on all integral, non-mechanical, components including the zoning of buildings.
Additional Resources
- Code Amendment
- Inspection Forms
- Requests for Modifications
Filtered categories:
Reconstruction and Replacement of Earthquake Damaged Masonry Chimneys
IB/P/BC 2023-070
Reconstruction and Replacement of Earthquake Damaged Masonry Chimneys
IB/P/BC 2023-070
- Effective
Recreation Facilities - Supplemental Plan Review Checklist No. 8
Reduced Underfloor Clearance for Conversion of Attached Garage to Living Area
IB/P/BC 2020-075
Regency Outdoor Advertising Inc List pursuant to their Legal Settlement Agreement
Filtered categories:
Reconstruction and Replacement of Earthquake Damaged Masonry Chimneys
IB/P/BC 2023-070
Reconstruction and Replacement of Earthquake Damaged Masonry Chimneys
IB/P/BC 2023-070
- Effective
Recreation Facilities - Supplemental Plan Review Checklist No. 8
Reduced Underfloor Clearance for Conversion of Attached Garage to Living Area
IB/P/BC 2020-075
Regency Outdoor Advertising Inc List pursuant to their Legal Settlement Agreement