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Complete plans and construction documents will need to be submitted to the Department of Building and Safety (DBS) for review. The plans can be submitted electronically on the DBS Electronic Plan Review Portal (ePlanLA). Alternately, plans can also be submitted in person via walk-in service at the West LA Office or by appointment at any of the DBS’s office locations. The Department highly recommends online submittal, a dedicated team will be assigned to expeditiously review all permits related to the 2025 wildfire repair and rebuild.
In addition to complete plans and calculations, you may need the Certificate of Occupancy (CofO) and building permits. Information on how to get plans for your house are available under the question titled “Does the Department have copies of the plan for my house or building?”
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If your property qualifies and does not require special processing, you may apply for an epermit online. This is the fastest, easiest option.
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You can visit our website for Express Permits.
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Obtaining a permit online at our website takes only minutes.
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A permit expires
1. In two years from the date of its issuance
2. If no work has been started within six months from its issuance
3. Work has started but stopped for over six months.
However, within 30 days of its expiration, an extension of time to extend a permit may be filed with the Department using either modification Request for Modification Form 41a or Request for Modification Form 42 . The request shall be filed with the inspection district supervisor if no work has been started. If the permit has expired and the work has started, the request shall be filed with any plan check office.
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You can visit one of our development centers and apply for your permit in person by making the required appointment through the BuildLA system.
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Most of the ADU Standard Plans have been pre-approved with various options. Some customization is possible, such as changes to window and door types and sizes, colors, etc. Approved standard plan floor plans can also be rotated.
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