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2025 Los Angeles Wildfire Information

January 16, 2025

Mayor's Emergency Executive Order

In response to the devastating 2025 Los Angeles Wildfires, Mayor Karen Bass has issued an Emergency Executive Order to provide a streamlined path for rebuilding. Read the Executive Order here.


Debris Removal

The Mayor has directed the Department of Public Works to establish a Debris Removal Task Force to develop a comprehensive and streamlined program for debris removal, unifying with the California Office of Emergency Services and other City, County, State and Federal agencies pursuant to Governor Gavin Newsom’s Executive Order N-5-25.

Removal of debris must be done only after the area has determined to be safe and in a safe manner due to the possible presence of toxic dust or other harmful materials.

Recovery Guide to Debris Removal  


Frequently Asked Questions

How do I get a permit to repair or rebuild?

What records will I need in the process of getting a permit to rebuild my house? 

Can I rebuild my house to the same size and configuration I had prior to the fire?

Mayor Karen Bass, by Executive Order of January 13,2025 authorizes that a project may be repaired or reconstructed with the same nonconforming use, yards, height, number of stories, lot area, floor area, residential floor area, residential density, loading space, parking or off-site signs as the original building, provided that the rebuilt or restored structures or facilities do not exceed 110% of the square footage, height, and bulk existing immediately prior to the Wildfires. The project may exceed the 110% allowance if it meets current zoning standards. (Note: if a project exceeding the 100% allowance is in the Coastal Zone, the project may need discretionary review under the California Coastal Act).  See  Mayor Bass Issues Sweeping Executive Order to Clear Way for Angelenos to Rebuild Their Homes Fast | Mayor Karen Bass for further information including what is considered as the Eligible Projects and waiver of other requirements such as haul route hearings.

LAMC Section 16.03  Local Emergency Temporary Regulations also provides special zoning allowances for reconstruction of buildings damaged during a local emergency.  You are advised to review these requirements and use those regulations that are more advantageous to you depending on the specifics of your reconstruction project.

Compliance to the new Building Code for repair of buildings (not clearly addressed by the Exec Order) is  in the Code but I am not familiar with those regs as they seem kind of complicated.  I think this issue should be reviewed by somebody in plan check.


Can I reuse my existing slab and foundation?

Does Building and Safety recommend contractors?

Does Building and Safety recommend architects or engineers?

Can RV’s, mobile homes and tiny homes be used as temporary housing during the reconstruction of my house?

Can I build an ADU before rebuilding the main house?


Do I follow the current codes when rebuilding my house?

Does the Department have copies of the plan for my house?


Do I need approval from the Coastal Zone Committee to get a permit to rebuild my house?


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